SINGLE parents and non-elderly single people have consistently faced higher levels of both housing and financial stress than the population at large.
According to the latest Housing, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey, which looks at data through to 2021, singles both with and without children are...
By HILDA’s definition, housing stress is a situation where housing costs are more than 30% of household income, and the household is in the bottom 40% of...
When looking at all categories of people, housing stress was highest in 2011, 2012 and 2018, when 10.7% of the population was in housing stress...
While in 2018 and 2021, there was a noticeable drop in housing stress, which reached an all-time low of 7.3% in 2021...
Tis of course was ahead of the significant increase in stress the following year, where rents spikedand the RBA began its interest rate hiking cycle...
Research on housing tenure type shows housing stress is highest for those renting privately, followed by those renting social housing and owner-occupiers with a mortgage...
By family types, older people have a higher probability of experiencing housing stress when considering housing type, with single parents seeing the greatest...
Single-parent families experiencing the largest increase in stress between 2009 and 2010 and between 2016 and 2017...
Non-elderly single people also experience relatively high levels of housing stress, though this is not too large a gap from the population as a whole...
This also aligns with levels of broader financial stress, with single-parent families also significantly prone to financial stress, with non-elderly single people also having...
While older people have very low rates of financial stress, likely reflects their low housing costs, relatively high wealth beyond housing and lower spending needs...
The survey also found that urban Queensland outside of Brisbane is the region with the highest likelihood of housing stress, followed by Sydney and...
Those living in flats are also more likely to be experiencing housing stress than those in other dwelling types, with those in detached houses having the lowest likelihood of...