Private rental market an option to support social housing


GOVERNMENT rental assistance doesn’t go far enough to achieving successful housing outcomes and is increasingly being used as an alternative to desperately needed social housing...

According to new research from AHURI, the effectiveness of private rental assistance schemes is highly dependent on market conditions, with more than half of study participants who...

“The scarcity of new social housing places means many applicants have no guarantee of when they will be housed. Instead, Australian governments are having to look to private rental...

“In 2021-22, across Australia over 174,600 households had applied to live in social housing but only 29,100 households were offered a home; at the same time more than twice as...

The research found that just 11% of private tenants have a lease of two years or longer and that 31% of moves by these households were forced...

In 2020-21, 49% of social housing register applicants who had previously received a bond loan or ongoing private rental subsidy had been unable to sustain their tenancy...

Most private rental assistance programs have affordability cut-offs, meaning applicants can only receive support if they are applying for less that 50% to 55% of their income...

Private rental assistance recipients are finding it increasingly difficult to secure private rental properties that conform to the eligible affordability cut-offs...

We saw that sometimes assistance products aren’t being taken up, not because they’re not needed but because of rents being too high to meet the eligibility requirements...

With individual plans developed for clients who may be eligible for social housing but not of high priority, to ensure access to other services including private rental assistance...

We also see there is scope for state and territory governments to establish partnerships with private landlords to secure rental tenancies for low-income families who...

“Governments could offer guarantees against any rental losses occurring in tenancies of homes covered by such an agreement.”...

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