More pressure on office values as 9 out of 10 CEOs back hybrid working


ASKING employees to work full time in the office is no longer a priority for businesses, as 91% of CEOs are backing hybrid working, a decision which is expected to impact office market...

According to new research by International Workplace Group, which surveyed more than 500 CEOs, 75% of respondents said adopting hybrid working has led to an improvement in...

74% said asking employees to be in the office full time was not a business priority, 77% noting improved engagement and 75% saying there was more efficient collaboration...

73% agreed that hybrid work has enabled them to attract and hire top talent and expanded their pool of talent, with 71% of CEOs saying they have been able to consider and...

This is in line with a IWG report from March, which found hybrid working has opened the door for more women from minority backgrounds to apply for...

“This latest research highlights the continued impact of hybrid work on today’s business landscape. The adoption of flexible work models by CEOs has driven productivity...

This is in line with the 56% of Australian hybrid workers who said they are likely to resign from their job in 2024 if they had to commute long distances daily...

With a recent report finding nearly three quarters of working parents say they would look for new employment if they were required to come into the office...

To work with this new normal, 94% of CEOs said they had invested in new technology to improve their hybrid experience over the last 12 months, with 43% saying this had been...

By embracing hybrid working, businesses are not only attracting top talent, but also fostering greater employee engagement and collaboration. Investing in the hybrid model is...

This week the Australian Unity Office Fund (AOF) sold a Parramatta office tower and adjacent car park for $80.5 million – nearly $70 million less than what the asset was

Office sales filtering through at discount

Office sales transactions increased from a low base in the June quarter as large institutional sales started to filter through, typically at...

Meanwhile, Cbus Property is spending $310 million to acquire a 50% share of 5 Martin Place in the Sydney CBD, as reported by Australian Property Journal...

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