INDUSTRIAL rents are heading for their second highest-ever year of growth in 2023 – behind only last year – with some Sydney precincts currently tracking at...
Gross State Product (GSP) weighted prime net face rents increased by 4.2% quarter-on-quarter nationally over the September quarter, substantially above average...
Secondary assets net face rents also grew strongly in these precincts, ranging between 6.6% in the quarter in outer north west and 7.7% in south Sydney...
Brisbane’s northern and Trade Coast precincts recorded strong prime and secondary growth for the quarter, up 6.8% and 10.7% quarterly and yearly in...
In Melbourne, rental growth in the north (up by 6.8% quarter-over-quarter, 27.2% year-over-year) and south east (5.9% and 16.7%) continues to show strength...
“Strong rental growth is reflective of ongoing still tight market conditions in most eastern seaboard precincts. Demand is moderating as rising inflation challenges...
“However, to date the supply response has been slow to respond to strong rental growth and low availabilities.”...
Adelaide’s prime market performed well, with most precincts experiencing quarterly rental increases. These ranged from 3.4% in the inner west/east to...
McFarlane expects conditions to ease for tenants over the last months of 2023 and 2024, rental growth rates to moderate and incentives to cycle up. JLL is tracking...
“Pre-commitment levels are building but still relatively low at 40%, meaning a return to a more balanced market for 2024,” McFarlane said...
Gross take-up in the September quarter was 533,320 sqm, below the quarterly average and lower than the heightened levels recorded in the June quarter of 819,100 sqm...
Meanwhile, as demand moderates and supply picks up landlords and developers are increasing incentives from their record lows to secure tenants...
Incentives in Brisbane precincts remain well below historical average and range between 7% and 8%, depending on precinct...
Sublease is increasing in key markets as opportunistic occupiers tap into positive rental reversion potential for underutilized space...
“Tenants now have more choice and landlords and developers need to compete harder to secure leases. Developers are opting to secure preleases at an...