House prices growth slow as buyers stretched to the limit


WHILE capital cities across the country continue to record new record-high house and unit prices, a slowdown in annual price growth could point towards some...

Domain’s House Price Report for the June quarter showed house prices in the capitals rose for the sixth consecutive quarter, maintaining a consistent pace with the previous quarter...

Unit price growth decelerated significantly, posting the weakest quarterly outcome since early 2023, growing at a rate four times slower than the previous quarter...

We saw a slowdown in annual gains for the first time this growth cycle for both combined capital house and unit prices,” Domain’s chief of research and economics...

The fact that we’ve now got momentum loss on that annual basis really showcases that the breaks are being applied in terms of price growth. When you look at the last couple of years...

On the back of tight supply continues to be the runaway leader for the price growth, leading quarterly and annual price growth for houses (at 6.6% and 23.8% respectively) and...

Brisbane and Adelaide are still performing strongly, with both also posting new benchmarks. Brisbane house prices are expected to crack the $1 million mark in the coming quarter as...

House prices in Sydney hit a new peak in the June quarter, of more than $1.66 million, albeit with modest growth. Melbourne house prices performed similarly, hitting a median...

For units, prices in both of the major markets came off in the quarter. Sydney is now 1.7% below its peak, at $797,212, and Melbourne 7.8% below its peak, at $555,461...

“Total supply in Sydney is 12% higher than it was 12 months ago. Supply rises are one of those key changes that you see in a slowing market.”...

This is the painful part of supply. Demand is a levers you can switch on and off pretty quickly – you can create a policy that gives first-time buyers money in their pocket and it brings a...

The flipside is supply – supply takes time. The construction sector has had its headwinds, it’s had its pressure. And they’re not fully alleviated now. It’s still expensive to build...

According to Domain there is a 25% chance that the Reserve Bank of Australia will hike at its meeting next month. It believes it is likely that the RBA will hold the cash rate at 4.35%...

Because inflation is still running outside of the bandwidth, it means that the rate cut is not going to come until early 2025. We may have to see a couple of rate cuts to really help...

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