HAFF green light funding for 13700 social housing


THE Albanese government has approved grants for more than 13,700 social and affordable homes across the country, marking the first deliveries of the $10 billion Housing Australia...

Across 185 projects, the first round of the HAFF and the National Housing Accord Facility (NHAF) programs will deliver 4,220 social and 9,522 affordable homes, including 1,267 homes for...

Construction on almost 40% of the 13,742 dwellings is expected to get underway this financial year, and 700 are due for completion. The government has the aim of...

Round one of the programs’ funding will unlock $9.2 billion of investment in social and affordable housing across Commonwealth, state and territory governments, and the...

The federal government could face an uphill battle to deliver the homes. The HAFF and NHAF are running concurrently with national cabinet’s National Housing Accord...

The HAFF and NHAF have been preceded by the $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator, which was the result of negotiations last year over the programs between Labor and the Greens...

We want to reduce the stress of housing for Australians – the long waits on housing lists, the long queues for rentals, the out of reach deposit for first home buyers...

This is an important milestone in the efforts to meet the social and affordable housing needs in Australia and we congratulate the Labor government and Housing Australia on...

Community housing providers (CHPs) play a vital role in delivering these homes and ensuring they are tailored to the needs of the community. Through partnerships with state governments and...

Help To Buy in the Senate

The Albanese government is meanwhile grappling with the Coalition, Greens and crossbenchers to pass its Help To Buy scheme, which was introduced to the Senate...

The government is also trying to pass build-to-rent legislation that would offers tax concessions to developers in the sector, but has likewise faces stiff opposition...

The Greens have outlined their key negotiating asks in return for support on the bills, including freezing and capping rents, “ending tax handouts for property investors that...

Labor has offered absolutely nothing. No movement on rent caps. No extra money for public housing or a public developer. No proposal on negative gearing and the capital gains tax...

Labor is not negotiating, they haven’t made a single counter offer, and frankly we have lost patience with a property investor Prime Minister who would rather reject good ideas just...

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