Building and construction apprenticeships dives further


CONSTRUCTION costs aren’t the only issue facing the property industry, as building and construction apprenticeship numbers have plummeted by a further 22%, worsening a labour shortage...

New data released by the National Centre for Vocational Education and Research shows only 41,935 people commenced a building and construction-related apprenticeship in...

Despite a workforce of 1.35 million people, the industry is facing acute shortages with an annual exit rate of 8%, with current replacement rates at only half...

Amid a cost-of-living and national housing crisis, national cabinet is next week embarking on its National Housing Accord, which aims to deliver 1.2 million...

However, a number of analysts and a broad-ranging report by the Albanese government’s own National Housing Supply and Affordability Council have said...

BuildSkills Australia estimates the country faces the impossible task of finding 90,000 extra tradies to meet the targets, which would require on average around 60,000 homes...

Last month’s federal budget included a $91 million investment to increase the building and construction workforce numbers...

In response to yesterday’s figures, Master Builders Australia released the Future of the workforce: apprentices in building and construction report, which among its recommendations...

Prolonged construction labour shortages will lead to a $57 billion reduction in Australia’s GDP over the next five years, according to Master Buildings Australia...

Among Master Builders Australia’s recommendations were promoting “varied and rewarding” pathways to school-aged students, their parents and careers advisers;...

Introducing a tiered wage subsidy that better supports mature-aged apprentices and reflects existing skill levels was also recommended, as was funding the cost differential for group training...

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