WA prioritise developments which include social housing
WESTERN Australia’s Cook Labor government has changed planning reforms to allow apartment…
WA social housing EOI
WESTERN Australia’s Cook government has released an expression of interest (EOI) seeking…
WA new fund to unlock land supply
THE Western Australian Cook Government has launched a $400 million fund to…
WA expands first home owner grant scheme
WESTERN Australia’s Cook government has expanded a grant scheme that now allows…
Local developers win bid to develop Perth precinct
PERTH-based developers Oceania Capital Group and Erben Place have won the bid…
WA govt partners with Housing Choice
HOUSING Choices WA has been selected by Western Australia’s Cook government to…
WA social housing supply reaches new milestone
WESTERN Australia’s Cook government has passed the 2,500 mark in social homes…
Albany pilots holiday homes to help people experiencing homeless
THE Western Australian Cook government is launching a pilot program that will…
WA 600ha land release for residential housing
WESTERN Australia’s Cook government has released 600 hectares of residential land both…
Perth convention centre getting major facelift
THE Western Australian government is undertaking Project Definition Phase planning for the…