Melbourne office landlords party won’t last forever
STRONG levels of new office supply will see Melbourne’s vacancy rate ease…
Large tenants no longer spoilt for choice in Perth
PERTH’S CBD office market has only six spaces larger than 5,000 sqm…
Finance, insurance and education drive GC office market
ONGOING population and white collar employment growth on the Gold Coast will…
Office vacancy rates dive to decade-lows
CONTINUED demand for office space has pushed the national vacancy rates down…
Withdrawals compound Sydney’s supply issue
WITHDRAWALS have pushed vacancies in Sydney’s heated office market down further. Competition…
Thirsty tenants soak up new supply, shortage looms in Melbourne
DESPITE a surge in new space, the Melbourne CBD vacancy rate fell…
Brisbane well placed to absorb new supply
POSITIVE tenant demand coupled with the withdrawal of space to make way…
Demand running hot in Canberra
VACANCIES in Canberra’s office market are expected to continue falling, despite major…
Flight to quality continues in Adelaide
ADELAIDE’S CBD office vacancy rate dropped for the fourth consecutive six-month period,…