Townsville office fetches 1.12m
A REFURBISHED office building in Townsville CBD has sold for $1.12 million,…
Fortius sells Perth office to GDI
GDI Property Group has bought an office building in Perth's CBD from…
Mountford Shoes marches to Clayton
RETAILER Mountfords Shoes has bought a modern corner office warehouse facility at…
Melbourne CBD freehold sold to private investor
A PRIVATE investor has paid $1.8 million for a freehold property at…
Charity starts at home
A MELBOURNE-based charity organisation has spent $4 million for a three-level office…
Chandru collects another Parramatta office
LOCAL private investors, Chandru Property Investments No 2 have purchased an office…
Private investors trade Centrelink office
A PRIVATE investor has sold a securely leased complex to Centrelink at…
Marrickville warehouse in hot demand
AN office and warehouse property at Marrickville Sydney has sold under the…
Ferntree Gully mortgagee auction sale
A PRIVATE investor has bought a commercial building at Ferntree Gully in…
Foreign investors plough 10.8bn in Australia
AUSTRALIA was the most popular destination for foreign investors, who invested $US10.8…