Lack of affordable housing impacting productivity
AUSTRALIAN low-income workers are struggling to find affordable rental housing within reasonable…
Governments ignoring housing impact on productivity
EXPERTS agree that Australian governments haven’t paid enough attention to how housing…
NSW govt explores developing surplus land
THE NSW government has signed a project delivery agreement with the Office…
NSW pilot delivers new social homes
THE NSW Government will deliver 53 social homes in six months, thanks…
Apartment supply expected to fall to pre-boom levels
AUSTRALIA’S continues to have one of the least affordable housing markets in…
Riverlee’s New Epping gets green light
A NEW private hospital has been approved for Riverlee’s $2 billion mixed-use…
Melbourne council mulls affordable housing target
MELBOURNE’S Affordable Housing Strategy 2030 could see up to 25% of all…
First homebuyers back with a vengeance
FIRST homebuyers now make up more than 40% of the owner-occupied dwelling…
More investment in affordable rental housing needed
JOBSEEKER recipients are experiencing moderate to extreme rental stress despite the supplement…
893k under housing affordability stress when JobKeeper ends
UNEMPLOYMENT could peak at 1.752 million in 2021 under the most severe…