Local developer swoops on former RSL site
A LOCAL developer’s purchase of the former Narrabeen RSL for $15.4 million…
Owner occupier beat developers for Brighton site
THE Uniting Church has netted $16.5 million from the sale of a…
Resimax builds up development pipeline
RESIMAX has collected 700 hectares of land in Melbourne’s growth corridors that…
Australian Property Journal’s sales and leasing transactions wrap
APJ'S daily wrap up of development site and commercial property investment sales,…
CFMG seeks capital for new resi community
FUND manager CFMG Capital has launched a capital raising to fund development…
WA govt jettison land around marina
AROUND 18 hectares of state-owned land on the edge of Exmouth Marina…
Australian Property Journal’s sales and leasing transactions wrap
APJ'S daily wrap up of development site and commercial property investment sales,…
Australian Property Journal’s sales and leasing transactions wrap
APJ'S daily wrap up of development site, social infrastructure and commercial property…
Australian Property Journal’s sales and leasing transactions wrap
APJ'S daily wrap up of development site and commercial property investment sales,…
Australian Property Journal’s sales and leasing transactions wrap
APJ'S daily wrap up of development site and commercial property investment sales,…