Home sellers asking for more money
LOW interest rates and an unexpected drop in the number of property…
Residential property auction market wrap
THE residential property auction market across the nation continues to go from…
Residential property auction market wrap
THE first super Saturday auction in Melbourne this spring produced a stellar…
Residential property auction market wrap
MOMENTUM continues to build in the residential property auction market with approximately…
Tighter lending evening out playing field
SOME relief is on the way for owner occupiers priced out of…
Darwin, Perth and Brisbane buck national house price growth
HOUSE prices across the national rose by 1% in September and 2.9%…
Residential property auction market wrap
IT was a quiet weekend for the residential property auction market due…
One in every five Perth homes sold at a loss
A STAGGERING 33.8% of homes in regional Western Australia and 20.1% in…
House prices increase but divergence remains
AUSTRALIAN residential property prices rose 4.1% over the past year, as Sydney’s…
Residential property auction market wrap
THE residential property auction market has kicked off the spring selling season…