Hobart defies national house price slump
HOBART and Canberra were the best performing residential markets in the June…
Sydney verging on rental oversupply
RESIDENTIAL vacancies across Sydney remained at their highest level in 13 years…
Central Coast outperforms, national house prices continue decline
NEW South Wales’ Central Coast is emerging as a new house price…
Residential property auction market wrap
THE out of cycle interest rate hikes by the big three banks…
Canberra leads house price decline
AUSTRALIAN capital cities saw house prices fall by 0.8% in the June…
Residential property auction market wrap
VENDORS were hoping the second weekend of spring would begin to warm…
Rental affordability up, housing down
RENTAL affordability in Australia’s residential market improved throughout the June quarter, and…
Residential listings up 30pc, asking prices down
A FIFTH weekend in August and vendors looking to sell before further…
From FOMO to FONGO, downturn going to be a long ride
THE house price rot that hit the overheated Sydney and Melbourne markets…
Top 40 performing suburbs revealed
DARWIN and Hobart offer the best opportunities for residential property investors to…