Property industry pay keeps rising, but women still held back
PROPERTY professionals saw their pay packet rise by 3%, thanks to steady…
Young property professionals bringing home the bacon
YOUNG property professionals who have new skill sets and are IT savvy…
Attracting young property professionals becoming a blood sport
TALENTED young property professionals are in high demand, attracting significant pay rises…
Property pay packet outperforms general workforce
THE property industry enjoyed a very good year in 2016 with salaries…
It pays to work in the right property sector
A MAJORITY of property companies reported good and stable business conditions, however…
Companies positive but salaries diverging
A MAJORITY of property companies are optimistic and salaries continue to increase…
Property salaries up as conditions improve
PROPERTY salaries are rising as conditions continue to improve with 52% of…
Junior staff getting pay rises ahead of seniors
JUNIOR staff are demanding and getting bigger pay rises compared to seniors,…
Property companies no longer kickin’ it old school
GENERATION Y staff in the retirement living and real estate funds management…
Property companies paying catch up with staff
PROPERTY companies are focusing on retaining staff with 60% of businesses increasing…