Residential property confidence rebounds
HOUSING market sentiment across the country has hit a near six-year high,…
Rates will be slashed to 0.25pc, resurging house price growth to slow
INTEREST rates are expected to be slashed to only 0.25% by March…
House prices will rise if APRA doesn’t meddle
HOUSE prices across most capital cities will increase over 2020, by as…
Confidence dips, developers remain hesitant
COMMERCIAL property confidence declined in the Q3 2019 with Victoria and New…
Residential property confidence back in the black
HOUSE prices in Sydney and Melbourne have bottomed out and growth is…
Two rate cuts before end of the year
WITH the tax refund failing to stimulate consumer spending, rise in unemployment…
Rate cut to 0.25pc without government stimulus, NAB says
UNLESS the government delivers a meaningful fiscal stimulus, the Reserve Bank could…
Sluggish residential market scupper GDP growth
AUSTRALIA’S weakened construction sector and a fall in dwelling investment have dragged…
Commercial property confidence back in the black
CONFIDENCE in the office and industrial markets across the eastern seaboard has…
Online retail slows markedly
ONLINE retail sales activity contracted in June by 1.6%, according to NAB,…