Tenancy law reforms helped growth of private rental housing
TENANCY law reforms in NSW and Victoria have had little impact on…
Housing crisis for women and children fleeing family violence
ONLY 3% of the tens of thousands of women and children that…
Community housing a win-win for investors and vulnerable Australians
COMMUNITY housing is not only attracting an increased level of investor interest,…
Cities and regions becoming unaffordable, rental crisis worsens
POLICY responses to the housing crisis remain ineffective, with the global pandemic’s…
Severe undersupply of social housing
AUSTRALIA is estimated to need 36,000 affordable social housing properties per annum,…
Higher quality homes will boost affordable housing supply
BUILDING new higher quality dwellings for higher and middle income households may…
Regional cities development will reduce $19bn congestion costs
AUSTRALIA'S growing regional cities will need support from federal, state and territory…
First homebuyer measures making affordability worse
FIRST homebuyer schemes may only exacerbate issues of access and risk plaguing…
Thinking outside the square to boost housing supply
ALTERNATIVE housing models may be the answer to addressing the shrinking supply…
COVID induced regional migration putting pressure on regions
REGIONAL policies should focus on improving labour markets, which would attract more…