Sydney vacancies falls to 9-year low
RESIDENTIAL vacancy rates in Sydney over January hit their lowest level since…
Housing Australia a golden opportunity to solve housing crisis
THE Albanese government has introduced legislation for its $10 billion Housing Australia…
Rising rates drag down property settlements
IN a year of record interest rate rises, Australia recorded an aggregate…
Housing crisis the second largest concern for Australians
81% of Australians believe there is a lack of affordable housing in…
Vendor shave prices as listings languish on the market
JANUARY saw the value of Australia’s residential real estate fall to $9.2…
Work starts on 1k build-to-rent apartments
INVESTA and Oxford have commenced construction on more than 1,000 inner Melbourne…
Melbourne’s newest build to rent tower underway
CONSTRUCTION has commenced on the PDG Corporation and Investa’s new build to…
Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra to witness biggest falls
RESIDENTIAL property prices are forecast to fall between 7% and 10% this…
Auction notches up best clearance rates since May
AUCTION activity is warming up after a slow start to the year,…
Rental vacancies fall to new low
AFTER a seasonal rise over December, the national vacancy rate has again…
Feb rate hike will add to repayment pain
WITH the next anticipated RBA rate hike fast approaching, mortgage holders should…