Tenants adapt to leaner times but that’s not bad news for landlords
THE average office lease length across Australia’s workplaces has been slashed by…
Rental growth slowing but likely to remain elevated
AUSTRALIA'S rental market remains locked in favour of landlords, as limited supply…
Residential construction forecast to fall to 12-year low
AT a time of severe housing supply and a national rental crisis,…
Industrial market returns to 2022 starting position
DESPITE ongoing economic challenges, the industrial sector is holding strong, with average…
It’s time to pounce for opportunistic private investors
PRIVATE investors appear to be the only ones still buying as Australia’s…
Sydney needs 3.6m sqm of industrial space
AUSTRALIA'S boosted migration program will mean Sydney requires 3.6 million sqm of…
House price growth myth busted
THE old adage that property prices double every seven to 10 years…
Office incentives remain at elevated levels
NET office rental growth across Australia’s CBDs continues to be capped by…
Boutique hotels outperform as guests prefer more intimate travel
BOUTIQUE Australian hotels are seeing stronger occupancy, room rates and revenue results…
High construction costs slowing new investment
HIGH construction costs and labour prices have dampened appetite for new real…
The mortgage belt suburbs highly exposed to loan expiry
HOUSEHOLDS in the outer suburbs across all major cities will hardest hit…
Education institutions lead office demand in Adelaide
ADELAIDE'S office market has seen an uptick in enquiries over the first…