Valuation advice for cladding on buildings
THE Australian Property Institute has issued a guidance for valuers preparing valuation…
Roy Farthing honoured as a Life Fellow of the API
THE Australian Property Institute (API) has awarded Roy Farthing with a Life…
API members elect new board directors
MEMBERS of the Australian Property Institute have elected new directors to the…
API CEO urges members to vote at 2018 election
[fvplayer src=""] AUSTRALIAN Property Institute CEO Amelia Hodge has urged members to…
Meet your candidate Robert Smyth
WESTON Advisory principal Rob Smyth is one of the candidates seeking to…
Meet your candidate Robert van Raay
PITCHER Partners head of tangible asset valuations, and director of corporate finance,…
Meet your candidate Mark Kay
SOUTH Australia Office of the Valuer-General chief valuer advisory Mark Kay is…
Meet your candidate Brock Shearn
INDEPENDENT contracting valuer for Herriots, Brock Shearn is one of the candidates…
Meet your candidate Milton Cations
PROPERTY Dynamics managing director Milton Cations is one of the candidates seeking…
Meet your candidate Enzo Evangelista
BUILTFORM Real Estate Advisory director Enzo Evangelista is one of the candidates…
Meet your candidate Damian Dalton
PP&E Valuations managing director Damian Dalton is one of the candidates seeking…
Meet your candidate Michael Leech
M3PRORERTY senior valuer Michael Leech is one of the candidates seeking to…