Mortgage stress climbs despite rate pause


THE number of Australians at risk of mortgage stress increased to 1.56 million in April, before the Reserve Bank keeping interest rates on hold at its May meeting but warning of...

The Roy Morgan data shows that there are less mortgage holders at risk that the highs reached in January and February 2024 – soon after the RBA’s most recent interest rate...

The April figure represents 30.8% of all mortgage holders. Roy Morgan modelling shows that if the RBA raises interest rates by 0.25% at its next monetary policy meeting in...

The number of mortgage holders considered “extremely at risk”, is now at 994,000 (20.2%) which is significantly above the long-term average over the last 10 years of 14.4%...

Sticky inflation data in particular led to a slightly more hawkish tone from RBA governor Michele Bullock following this month’s meeting, which saw interest rates kept on...

“We believe we have rates at the right level to return inflation to the target range next year, but as we said in the past, getting inflation back to target will take time. And I think the path will...

Roy Morgan CEO, Michele Levine, said, “The figures for mortgage stress in March and April show that when considering the data on mortgage stress, it is always important to appreciate that...

“The variable that has the largest impact on whether a borrower falls into the ‘at risk’ category is related to household income – directly related to employment...

“The employment market has been exceptionally strong over the last year (the latest Roy Morgan employment estimates show 418,000 new jobs created compared to a year ago),...

Looking forward into July, Roy Morgan estimates the number of mortgage holders considered at risk could increase further to 1,579,000, or 31.2% of all mortgage holders...

A Canstar survey this month showed that nearly half of mortgage holders in Australia are contemplating selling their homes and personal belongings to...

The most common sacrifices made by borrowers who have sold items to alleviate financial pressures are personal effects such as furniture, electronics, and collectibles, with...

Following closely behind, the family home emerges as the second most common asset sold, with 28% choosing to relocate, while 22% each opted to downsize or move in with...

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