Demand for flexible workspace will increase over next two years


GLOBAL demand for workplace flexibility is continuing to mount, with Australian and New Zealand following the global trend...

According to the latest data released by the World Employment Confederation (WEC), a survey of 715 senior executives revealed 92% of respondents say they’ll need...

This result was attributed to a need to fill labour market gaps, keep up with developments and shield permanent employees from volatile workload shifts...

Both Australia and New Zealand were in line with these global figures, with 80% and 100% of respondents agreeing...

“We are not outliers. The data in the WEC reports highlights we are facing the same challenges experienced on a global scale and that the way people want to work and...

“It’s time for governments to recognise this shift by using policy to support these changing employment dynamics in today’s world of work.”...

The desire for flexibility in the workplace has increased with the emergence of AI and technologies that support hybrid and remote working models...

81% of survey respondents replied that AI and tech disruptions require them to radically rethink skills and resources across large areas of the workforce...

“12 of the 16 Australian, and 9 from 10 New Zealand companies surveyed say they are looking to increase their engagement with agency workers. The data highlights how...

“In Australia, New Zealand and across the globe, businesses are looking towards that flexible workforce to plug holes and employees are enjoying the freedom of casual work.”...

75% of Australian and 70% of New Zealand senior executives responded that employees now value flexibility concerning where or when they work as much as factors like compensation...

With demand on the rise for flexible space, The Instant Group has expanded its delivery and service capabilities across Australia with the acquisition of ...

While over 2023, IWG added 867 new locations to its network, almost doubling the number of new locations compared to the previous year...

With IWG recently reporting that businesses are reportedly cutting energy usage by almost a fifth by providing teams with access to flexible workspaces...

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