Housing crisis needs more than just supply


“MORE Edward Scissorhands and less the invisible hand” is required according to the ANZ when it comes to addressing Australia’s worsening affordability, with the...

Affordability is considered by many a major lever that must be pulled to combat the national housing crisis, which has seen house prices reach record highs...

The crisis has prompted major government programs seeking to boost supply. National cabinet’s National Housing Accord kicks off in July, aiming to deliver...

However, the targets are considered farfetched by analysts amid a severe labour shortage, current low approval rates and planning red tape...

Meanwhile, the Greens last month proposed the creation of a public property developer that would build 360,000 homes over the next five years...

“Much of the discussion around Australia’s worsening housing affordability challenges offers a market-based supply response as the ideal solution. But responding to...

“New supply can feed the speculative demand, exacerbating an existing imbalance. Asset-market bubbles often exhibit these characteristics. More new listings can...

Growth in national construction costs continued to stabilise in the first quarter of 2024, CoreLogic’s Cordell Construction Cost Index shows, but...

Climate transition imposts

The climate transition also implies additional costs as access to land and building standards tighten. Germany’s...

“These factors suggest a supply-first housing-affordability strategy is unlikely to result in cheaper dwellings. The cost of new builds is critical to this strategy because...

“If existing dwellings are cheaper than new ones (allowing for some consumer preference), new build commencements will dry up. New supply either won’t be sustained or...

The Productivity Commission suggested that between 1988 and 2020 the labour input to a new house fell 11%, meaning building productivity improved, but the increase in...

The latest ANZ CoreLogic Housing Affordability Report suggested affordability had worsened across housing values, rental costs and interest rates...

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