THE housing crisis continues to wreak havoc on almost 150,000 Victorians currently in housing need, with many concerned about the future of the state’s social housing stock and...
In its pre-budget submission, the Community Housing Industry Association Victoria (CHIA) is calling for the Allan government to up its investments into social housing, particularly as...
“As rents remain high and vacancies remain tight, more and more Victorians are being priced out of the private rental market. Right now, more than 146,000 Victorian households are..
“The housing crisis is dire but it would be even worse without the landmark Big Housing Build that’s delivering thousands of social homes and changing thousands of Victorians...
“By investing $6 billion today in a Social Housing Investment Fund and having interest accrue over a decade, the government would deliver almost double the number of homes...
“This housing crisis has been a long-time in the making so it will take long-term investments to turn it around. The Victorian Government has demonstrated that it can take bold action to...
In November last year, CHIA urged that the government needed to deliver an additional 60,000 social homes over the coming decade to tackle homelessness in...
According to CHIA, the Albanese federal government must double the Housing Australia Future Fund to at least $20 billion, after public and community housing has...
At the same time, the Council to Homeless Persons (CHP) is calling for $101.3 million in 2024/25 and $423.8m over four years to expand Victoria’s Housing First programs to...
This as Housing First initiatives like From Homelessness to a Home (H2H) being reduced from July 1, threatening a 75% cut to programs that provide homes and support for...
Last year more than 640,000 Australian households were not seeing their housing needs met and Victoria still holds the mantle of the lowest social housing stock across the nation...
“The Victorian government must reverse its decision to slash crucial homelessness programs that have a proven track record of outstanding results. Housing First works, but...
The 2023/24 Victorian Budget included $134 million to deliver access to housing and homelessness support, but skyrocketing demand for...