THE Australian government’s Housing Australia has opened the first funding round to support delivery of 40,000 social and affordable homes through the Housing Australia...
Applications are now open for eligible social and affordable housing projects via the federal government’s Housing Australia Future Fund Facility (HAFFF) and...
The HAFFF is expected to support the delivery of 30,000 social and affordable homes over a five-year period, while the NHAF is expected to support the delivery of...
The HAFFF and NHAF programs provide a platform for institutional investment, including superannuation funds, into social and affordable housing and is expected to...
Target groups to be supported by housing include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, women and children impacted by domestic and family violence, older women at...
Funding is available to eligible entities including registered not-for-profit community housing providers (CHPs), local, state and territory governments and...
Consortia that include one of these eligible entities partnering with private sector parties, can also apply...
Financing available includes Availability Payments (25-year Government-backed payments for making social and affordable housing available), Concessional Loans and...
Applicants need to put forward eligible projects for funding such as the construction of new homes, purchase of newly-built homes, renovation of existing residential...