THE number of shopping centre changing hands continues to dwindle, and while a string of assets have recently come to market...
According to the latest numbers from The Data App, the number of shopping centres that transacted in the three months to July was less than half...
“The continuing death of transactions makes the accuracy of cap rates difficult, especially since the bulk of activity have been for smaller...
For the moment, the number show capitalisation rates of those assets traded has averaged 6.08% over the three months, up 50 basis points...
Deals in the period included Nikos Property Group forging its second partnership with Vicinity Centres, acquiring a 50% interest in the...
“There is a constant stream of assets being brought to market and, with little in the way of transactions, this will add to the upwards pressure on cap rates,”...
“It would seem, given the economic environment, let alone the increasing cost of capital, when shopping centre transactions resume...
He said the cyclical slowing in retail spending and uncertain outlook is “contributing to the weakness of shopping centre transactions and exasperating the...
Singaporean sovereign wealth fund GIC is hoping for $250 million for its half-interest in north Perth’s Whitford City...
The strain of weak real income growth and higher mortgage interest payments is starting to eat into retail spending, with purchases at ...
Ellis said the slowing in retail spending supports the trading statement from companies, which have been suggesting for some time that activity had weakened...
Furthermore, given the infamous long and variable lags between changes in monetary policy and economic activity, retail spending is likely to...
He said more difficult to gauge is the structural shift in spending behaviour to online shopping, which is impacting on all areas of goods spending...
The shift in consumer spending away from brick-and-mortar retail has dented demand for retail assets, according to MSCI...