The Property Council of Australia has welcomed the final planning reform legislation tabled in the New South Wales Parliament yesterday.
Property Council of NSW executive director Ken Morrison said these new planning laws will mean a better, faster and smarter planning system.
“Processing times will be reduced whether you are a home renovator or an investor in a major project. That’s critical when we have the lowest housing construction levels for 30 years and economic storm clouds ahead.
“We welcome the Minister’s commitment to establish a Implementation Advisory Group to get these changes right. These reforms should now be supported by all parties in the Parliament,” he added.
Morrison said the reforms were wide-ranging: speeding up state government approvals, de-politicising decision making at state and regional level, introducing new standard codes to fast track simple renovations and projects, and making greater use of e-planning.
“The Planning Assessment Commission and Regional Planning Panels are important steps in de-politicising decisions made on these projects.
“All the industry wants is a fair go, where projects are considered on their planning merits not the politics of the day,” he concluded.
Australian Property Journal